Submitted by Name: Bill Rember From: Oklahoma E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey guys, hope to see a bunch of old friends, and meet a bunch of new ones at the next reunion! I was in M-Div on the blue crew from '90 to '93. I got transferred as she was combining crews prior to de-comm. Chief Steve, glad to see you on here.
Added: August 29, 2008
Submitted by Name: Monty Douglas From: Glen Rose, TX E-mail: Contact
Comments: Awesome site. Hope to see the reunion one of these days. The Carver was the best command I have ever been on in my career and I will always remember the good times I had there from 88-92.
Added: August 28, 2008
Submitted by Name: Steve Wager MMC From: Eugene Oregon E-mail: Contact
Comments: I agree with Fred Pentz. More people need to use this guestbook. I keep in contact with several crewmembers. I went throught the overhaul in '82, back to the Carver in "88, and stayed for the decomm.
Added: July 23, 2008
Submitted by Name: Thomas Fritz From: Norwich,CT E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am looking forward to the reunion in Groton. I hope all is well with all Carver crewmen Tom
Added: June 29, 2008
Submitted by Name: Rusty Hays From: Fort Myers, FL E-mail: Contact
Comments: I continue to be amazed at the outstanding service that you guys give us in keeping up with the folks that served on George Washington Carver.
Betsy and I look forward to the Reunion in 2010. Please give specific dates as soon as you can so that we can get it on our calendar!
The Russian Captain sounds great!
Added: June 28, 2008
Submitted by Name: Ty Dralle From: Helena, MT E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi guys, Iraq still sucks. Still wondering how I became a sand sailor. Only seen about 6 other bubblehaeds since I first came over in 06. Most of the guys are SEALs, Seebees and corp-men.
Hoping my wife and I can make it for the 2010 reunion.
Added: June 28, 2008
Submitted by Name: Fred Pentz From: Kerrville Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wish more shipmates were using the log. Just reviewed the membership list and found some lost friends I will be e-mailiing soon. Reisa and I are loving it in Texas and we just boughta new "manufactured home" (trailer we called em in the old days). Wonderful home and we are loving the relaxed lifestyle in the Texas Hill Country. I love working for the Salvation Army here and Reisa is also working there. Life is good- wish the next reunion was a little closer. My first boat, Sammy R is having the 2009 reunion 22 miles from here in Fredericksburg Texas next year in April and we are definitely attending. Take care guys
Added: June 26, 2008
Submitted by Name: Keith W. Peterson HMC(SS) USN From: Billings Mt E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just Thought I would Chick the site out and See whar is new
Added: June 9, 2008
Submitted by Name: Roger Schweitzer From: Volcano, Hawaii E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have always wanted to know who did the most patrols on the Carver? I'm sure several crew members are tied for that honor, but what is the number?
Added: June 8, 2008
Submitted by Name: C R Kendall X TM1(SS) From: Atlanta GA E-mail: Contact
Name: Bill Rember
From: Oklahoma
E-mail: Contact
Hey guys, hope to see a bunch of old friends, and meet a bunch of new ones at the next reunion! I was in M-Div on the blue crew from '90 to '93. I got transferred as she was combining crews prior to de-comm. Chief Steve, glad to see you on here.