Submitted by Name: Stephen T Lannigan From: gold and combined 88-92 E-mail: Contact
Comments: You guys are doing a great job.
Added: May 12, 2009
Submitted by Name: Jim Cortell From: Sacramento, CA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Came aboard in time to make a couple of patrols before overhaul and found I was serving with a great crew and an even better goat locker an wardroom. Only ship with an in port an at sea COB with me as a fill-in COB. Passed my COB board an transferred to Marshall. Wished I'd stayed. Retired off the Kam Fish and am now back in my homeport of Sacramento. Fairwinds an Godspeed, drop me a line love to hear from some of the old goats Brutus
Added: May 11, 2009
Submitted by Name: Fred Pentz From: Kerrville Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: My once in a while comment: Wish reunion 2010 was going to be closer. I do have some phots taken between 84-88 on board and yes II even have pictures of the sacrosanct maneuvering Room taken with permission of Captain Mushen who graciously let me use as much expired 35mm film as I wanted to use. If the Committee wants most of these photos fopr the archives or to take to the reunion let me know where to send them. Maybe one day we will have a reunion in Texas. If so we have lots of stuff down here in thr hill country.
Added: April 8, 2009
Submitted by Name: Rochon Green From: La Jolla California E-mail: Contact
Comments: The value of life is not in the length of a days, but in the use we make of them, like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells and Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities and I love to laugh it keep me young at hart, to me Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced, Each of us visits this Earth involuntarily and without an invitation. For me, it is enough to wonder at its secrets and Life has taught me that love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.
Added: April 4, 2009
Submitted by Name: Bill Rember, M-Div Blue From: Oklahoma E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey fellers, just thought I'd drop in and see who has stopped by. Scott Zepplin, glad to see you here. I can remember many mid-watches with you as SRO and Young Dick Young as SEO. Anyone know what happened to Rich Mikulak, Steve Byerly, or Joe "Bubba" McWilliams? I'm out of the Navy now and currently work as Utilities Dept. Manager for Oklahoma State University. Anyone interested in a job, check out the Helping Hands page. Thanks for that resource Tom. I have a new (ex-nuc)General Foreman because of that page.
Added: February 25, 2009
Submitted by Name: RM2 (SS) Christopher P Clark From: Youngstown, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: I was a member of the Gold Crew around 1979/1980 or so. Did 2 runs before transfer to the USS DALLAS SSN700 while it was still at EB.
Added: February 10, 2009
Submitted by Name: George Riddell From: Chantilly Virginia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello to my fellow submarine sailors. I checked into your site looking for information on my old friend Paul Rousseau. Paul was a NAVET in the precommissioning crew. We graduated from SINS school at Dam(n) Neck together. I went to Will Rogers, Paul went to Carver. It is hard to realize we all spent so much of our lives boring holes in the ocean. What for? Something to do with preventing a nuclear holocaust. I think we succeeded. I hope you all think so too. Maybe no one else will know what you gave, what you did, what it cost, what you achieved; but I do. I say well done! God bless you all. Riddell, H.G. ETN1 SS
Added: January 20, 2009
Submitted by Name: Bill Herrick From: Toledo, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: It's good to see some familiar names as well as those that are not familiar. I was in M Div on the Gold crew from 79-81, leaving her from Newport News Shipbuilding in the overhaul.
Added: October 9, 2008
Submitted by Name: Carl Jensen From: Oxford, Mississippi E-mail: Contact
Comments: AWEPS (also BWEPS & CWEPS) aboard 79 - 81 Gold. Still living down being "Ensign Jensen." Great crew & memories. Currently, I'm on the faculty at Ole Miss. Thanks, Tom, for this site!
Added: October 7, 2008
Submitted by Name: Scott Zepplin From: St Marys, GA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey all, just wanted to get my name on the list. Have ran into a few guys that rode the Carver with me from 88-91 (blue). Most of them continued on and retired here at KingsBay. Love to here from any of you. -Scott (EM2(SS))
Name: Stephen T Lannigan
From: gold and combined 88-92
E-mail: Contact
You guys are doing a great job.