How great it was to see everyone and meet new friends, the reunion comm. great job Bravo Zulu,

Added: August 23, 2010
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I started getting info on the reunion to late to be able to make it this year but plan to stay on top of it for the next one. It sounded like it was a 5 star event. i served in the early 80's and into the shipyard, went from seam to second class and married my first wife while on the Carver. Retired in 95, had a little accident, lost some memory recall abilities but am getting more and more back every day.. Would love to hear from anyone...See you at the next one..

Added: August 17, 2010
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Getting ready for the reunion, there are only a few people that I recognize from my time on board. Does anyone have the whereabouts of Paul Salvati FTB, or Joe Shaw MT, that were on the carver in the early 80's.

Added: August 5, 2010
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Getting ready for the reunion, there are only a few people that I recognize from my time on board. Does anyone have the whereabouts of Paul Salvati FTB, or Joe Shaw MT, that were on the carver in the early 80's.

Added: August 5, 2010
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Good to visit and see some friends. Some of the most memorable times of my life. A gang. Never forget the trip to N.Wilkesboro Nascar race W/Sr.Ch Hildreth and the gang Billy E , Johnny Dale Demier and the rest. We all got on ESPN with the banner still have the pics of Dale E Sr and Martin turn 1 front row , chicken bones beer cans BYOB at the track the way it was meant to be.

Added: June 14, 2010
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Just traded e-mails with now Capt Darryl Caudle who was E Div officer during my time on the noat. He is now Comodore for Squadron 3 in Pearl Harbor. He apparently has good memories of GWC which was his first boat.

Added: April 28, 2010
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: April 11, 2010
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I am so glad to see that this web site exists. So proud to see my dad's name listed as a Commander of the Blue and Gold Crew - D.R. Briggs. We miss him so much.

Added: February 8, 2010
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Greetings. We still live in Roseville MN (St. Paul suburb). We wrote our last college tuition check last week. All three sons majored in physics. Son #1 USS Springfield SSN761, LTJG soon to be LT. Son #2 PhD candidate at Purdue. Son #3 off to grad school this summer. Sadly our 15 yr old Chesapeake Bay Retriever ran out of steam the other day. There is a good chance that we will attend the reunion this year. Looking forward to seeing some old(er) friends.

Added: January 18, 2010
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For sure was enjoying the Carver website, and very much considered the reunion, then Mike Cosgrove and his NY boys are attending, DAM, I have no choice now...I will be there, all the way from Miami..

Added: January 18, 2010
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