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There are no membership fees for former crew members

This not-for-profit association is funded completely by reunion funds, Ship's Store sales and donations.

USS George Washington Carver SSBN-656 Reunion Membership



What started out as an opportunity to put together a Reunion of Shipmates has now blossomed into a First Class Association consistent with Carver's History.

Since 1996 we have gathered more than 1600 names with some contact information. We need to continue to improve our dedication to keeping our own info updated. Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you have changed address, phone, or email. Email is turning out to be increasingly important to expeditious communication. Please make sure we got it right.

Besides our membership we have a Board of Directors, they are:

 President - Bill Vasquez
Vice President - ?
Treasurer - Bart Moore
Chaplain - Bob Bailey
Secretary - John Dominguez/Tom Hanley

The responsibility of the Board of Directors is to perpetuate the reunion process through the following supportive actions:

Create Harmony & Good Will Increase Membership Raise Revenues

Provide Administrative Assistance Provide Financial Assistance

Select Reunion Sites & Dates Assign Local Reunion Committees

Provide Association Planning Develop By-Laws

Read our current By-Laws

If you are a former crewmember, and you would like to join us, just fill out the form below.



USS George Washington Carver SSBN-656
Reunion Association Membership

Please provide the following information:

Last Name

First Name

Middle Name/Initial




Zip Code



Period Served On Carver

19 - 19



Are you a Plankowner?

Yes No

Biography Information:

To send this to us just click once on the send button: